
教職員おすすめ図書シリーズ(Eric Baptiste)


42回目のおすすめ本は、大阪府で唯一英語による国際バカロレア(IB)ディプロマプログラム認定校である大阪国際高校。その国際バカロレアコースでIBコーディネータをされているEric Baptiste先生です!誠実でユーモアもあり、生徒たちからも慕われているBaptiste先生はどんな本をおすすめされるのでしょうか?今回はオールイングリッシュでお届けします!

Eric Baptiste


Name:Eric Baptiste
Position:IB Coordinator
Motto:If you find a city of brick, leave it a city of marble.
Interest:History, politics, philosophy, science, soccer, rugby

Forward the Foundation

Author: Isaac Asimov Publisher: Spectra

❶ Why did I read this book?
I had been a fan of science fiction and a fan of Asimov specifically since I was in high school. I read the original Foundation book when I was in grade 9. In grade 11, I discovered that there were prequels to the Foundation book. I was very eager to read them because I found the story and the idea in Foundation to be interesting if somewhat flawed.

❷ Contents of the book
Eight years after the events of Prelude (the first book in the series), the main character has worked out the science of psychohistory and has applied it on a galactic scale. His notability and fame increase, and he is eventually promoted to First Minister to the Emperor. As the book progresses, he loses those closest to him, including his wife, as his own health deteriorates into old age. Having worked his entire adult life to understand psychohistory, the main character instructs his granddaughter to set up the Second Foundation.

❸ Reasons for recommending this book
Unlike the original Foundation book and its sequels, which follow The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Forward the Foundation draws parallels between the main character of the book and the life of the author. This is the last book Asimov wrote before his death, so the focus on the main character as he grows old and dies mirrors the situation Asimov was in at the same time. Through the main character, readers can gain a window into the thoughts of a man at the end of his life as well as an exploration of the themes of decay, determinism or fate, power, and the development of society. Foundation is now a TV series on Apple TV. So, if you prefer that medium, please take a look.

❹ Message to everyone
Asimov is one of the giants of science fiction. His writing is one of the best examples of how science fiction can be used to explore and confront modern issues. Science fiction can be more than just entertaining. It can encourage you to think about contemporary problems from a new perspective. So, why don’t you try being open-minded and read a science fiction book.







